Marvel Secret Wars 1984 is the newest storyline to be featured in the Allegiance series. This trading card set introduces brand new thematic inserts, the return of Turning Points holograms, and rare Gold parallels!
Key Features:
90-Card Base Set:
Featuring some of the most iconic characters from the Secret Wars storyline!
- Base Set Parallels: Collect colorful parallels like Rainbow, Red Rainbow, and Blue Rainbow.
- Serial Numbered Base Set Parallels: Find rare versions including Orange Glitter, Yellow Crackle, Purple Boxes, Red Diamonds, Blue Swirl, Green Racer, Holofoil, Holofoil Gold, and the rarest Gold Explosion (#’d 1-of-1).
Comic Cuts:
- Rare, serial-numbered Comic Cuts are back!
- Look for Comic Cuts Creator Autographs and Dual Autographs.
Returning Inserts:
- Spectromatic: Colorful parallels on triangulation foil board in Purple, Orange, Red, Blue, and Green.
- Turning Points: Holograms showcasing significant moments from the Secret Wars storyline.
- Comic Covers: Inserts featuring the legendary Secret Wars comic cover designs.
Lenticular & Embossed Foil Cards:
- Find Ensemble and Battleworld inserts—two new sets featuring 3D depth lenticular cards!
- Collect rare embossed inserts: Doombase, Hero Base, and New Suits.
New Thematic Inserts:
- Corner Box: A new set of corner box designs featuring characters from each issue.
- Marvel Team-Up: A set highlighting significant team-ups within the series.
1-of-1 Original Art Sketch Cards!
PACK HITS (On Average):
- 4 Base Set cards
- 1 Canvas Chapters
- 1 Insert/Chase Hit
BOX HITS (On Average):
- Base Set parallels
- Serial numbered parallels
- Marvel Team-Up
- Corner Box
- Comic Covers
- Ensemble or Battleworld lenticular
CHASE HITS (On Average):
- Base Set – Variants
- Base Set – Gold Explosion (#’d 1-of-1)
- Holofoil (#’d to 10)
- Holofoil Gold Parallel (#’d 1-of-1)
- Spectromatic Blue (#’d to 10)
- Spectromatic Green (#’d 1-of-1)
- New Suits
- New Suits Gold Parallel (#’d to 12)
- Turning Points Hologram
- Comic Cuts
- Creator Autographs
- Original Art Sketch Cards
- Printing Plates