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Look for 3 premium cards per box.
Hit Gallery & Product Breakdown
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Signature 6 (Front)
Signature 6 (Back)
Ultimate Sports Magazine
Crazy 8
The Four Sportsman
Prospect Signatures
Signature X 3
Fat Patch
The Immortals
Signature Relics
Tough Guys
Each box of 2024 Ultimate Sports features an amazing roster of signature and memorabilia cards, featuring signatures from Lionel Messi, Steve Nash, Barry Sanders, Peyton Manning, Stephen Curry, and Ichiro. Look for amazing memorabilia cards from Pelé, Mickey Mantle, Willie Mays, Ted Williams, and Joe DiMaggio — 2 autographs per case on average!
Look for an amazing assortment of multi signature cards ranging from duals to eights, dual and triple inscribed booklet cards, multi-signature cards ranging from duals to eights, dual and triple inscribed booklet cards, and more!
2024 Leaf Ultimate Sports features a spectrum of stars ranging from yesterday’s heroes to future legends! Look for Ultimate Tough Guys signatures featuring legendary Tough Guys including Chuck Norris, Mike Tyson, and Conor McGregor, and Ultimate X Signature cards featured on premium PETG!
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