Look for 1 autograph, 2 parallels, and 2 inserts per box on average.
Hit Gallery & Product Breakdown
Hover over a card for more information
Rookie Season Ticket Cracked Ice
Veteran Ticket Gold Lazer
Induction Ticket Autographs
VIPs Green Pulsar
Crown Jewels
Rookie Roundup Blue Cracked Ice
Season Ticket Gold Lazer
Season Ticket Black Pandora
Rookies Cracked Ice
Contenders Optic is back featuring the fan-favorite opti-chrome technology! Find one autograph per box on average! Search for the new Cracked Ice (#’d/23), Gold Lazer (#’d/2) and Printing Plate parallels in on-card sets featuring Rookie Season Ticket, Rookie Variation Season Ticket, Veteran Ticket, 1986 Tribute Autographs, and all new this year Induction Ticket Autographs!
Look for Inserts in sets such as Hoop Dreams, Optic Illusion, Players the Numbers Game, Lottery Ticket, Uniformity, First Class Ticket, and Superstars. Also search for the new inserts Rookie Roundup and VIPs!
Search for a variety of Season Ticket and Rookies Parallels including Silver, Red, Blue (#’d/99), Pink (#’d/75), Orange (#’d/49), Green Pulsar (#’d/25), Black Pandora, Purple (#’d/15), Gold (#’d/10), and one-of-one Gold Vinyl! Find the brand new parallels Cracked Ice (#’d/23) and Gold Lazer (#’d/2) as well! Also, look for Insert parallels in Red Cracked Ice (#’d/175), Blue Cracked Ice (#’d/75), and Green Pulsar (#’d/25)!
Look SSP Black Pandora Parallels in the sets Season Ticket and Rookies, which are randomly inserted in Contenders Optic Boxes! Also search for the randomly inserted new SSP Crown Jewels!
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