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Look for 4 autographs, 12 Prizms, 4 Silvers, and 4 inserts/insert parallels per box on average.
Hit Gallery & Product Breakdown
Hover over a card for more information
Sensational Signatures Prizms Black
Draft Picks Autographs Prizms Black Gold
Campus Favorites Signatures Prizms Mojo
Stained Glass
Net Marvels
All-American Prizms Black Gold
Base Variation Prizms Blue Wave
Campus Legends Prizms Snakeskin
The always highly anticipated Prizm Draft Picks Basketball is loaded with autographs, parallels and inserts of the top draft-eligible talent! Search for a number of new autograph, insert, and parallel content this year!
Look for the top talent in stunning insert sets including Fireworks, Widescreen, Brilliance, Prizm Break, and Kaleidoscopic, which is brand new this year!
Find 4 autographs per box, on average, in the sets Sensational Signatures, Draft Picks Autographs, Legacy Signatures, Campus Favorites Signatures, and Penmanship, which is new this year!
Exclusive to Hobby Boxes, look for the returning short-printed inserts Colorblast, Stained Glass, Manga, and Color Wheel! Also look for Net Marvels, which is new this year!
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